Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Teacher's Day

I like it when my teacher is treating me as one of their friend. I remembered when I'm in secondary school there's one teacher that really close to me. Although we're 15 years apart, but it really doesn't matter. I remember that year when she got pregnant, she told me how excited she was and I'm asking if I could touch his belly and to my surprised she said yes. It's my first time touching a baby bump and I'm just excited. From that moment, whenever we met, I will keep touching her belly. She would ask me to touch her belly when the baby's kicking because that's what I want to felt. I think our relationship is not only as a student and teacher but more like sister's. Now, it's been 6 years since I last met her and I wondered how's her life has been. I miss her. 

Happy Teachers' Day to the educators, teachers, learning facilitators, Professors, lecturers, tutors etc!!! :-D

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