Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Am feeling sorry for him

Since my College moved to a new area, my bro, others and I been following this one friend who's living near to our place. This evening when we're on our way going back home, he didn't take a good sight that makes the his car scratches badly over that sharp edge of road divider. Being only 19 years old and just got his driving license for a few months, I can felt his nervousness.  I cannot imagine how his parents going to react when he reach his home with that "deep scratch". It's a brand new car and it was bought last year. After doing all the calculations, I think that will cost him, RM 700.00. I hope it will not go beyond this number. He just spent almost RM300.00 yesterday because of another problem with that car. Now, with this new problem some more.I'm just felt really bad for him. I think that if he didn't send us, this won't happen. The area which I'm living is a pretty busy place and I think that he'll not going here anymore after this incident. To my dear friend, Ardillus, I'm sorry and be strong okay. I know it's not my fault but I cannot ignored this feeling. I'm feeling bad about what had happened.

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