Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weird Sleep Pattern

 I think that my body began to react to my lifestyle that happens to torment my body both mentally and physically.

Let me started with my timetable for this past 2 weeks

8:30AM are Off to College

12:00PM Class dismiss

12:00PM- 1:00PM off to home, taking a bath and then take my (lunch+ breakfast)

1:00PM- 4:00PM taking a nap

4:00PM- 6:00 PM woke up, taking a bath, taking my dinner

6:00PM- 9:00PM online 

9:00 PM- 3:00 AM doing assignments, homework, and presentation slides

3:00 AM- 4:00 AM rest a bit, taking my breakfast, online 

4:00AM- 6:00 AM continued doing my task

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM taking a bath and prepared myself to college (I don’t want to take a bath when there are the male roommates around. It makes me feels so uncomfortable)

7:00AM- 8:30AM do a bit revision for morning class subjects

8:30 AM off to college

So, this is what I’ve been followed for these past few weeks. I think it’s because now, I’m having tonnes of assignments and presentations slides to do that’s why I only managed to get an average of 3 hours of sleep.
My brother was kind of concerned with this and planning to report it to my parents, but I think my parents cannot stop me since they know how stubborn I can be. If I said that I’m going to do this, it won’t change anything.  Tired? Sure. My body aches here and there but it shouldn’t be a n excuse right?
After doing this kind of timetable for almost 2 weeks, my body began to react badly. Maybe the weather also contributes to my sickness. 

Yes, I fell sick. Now, I’m suffering from a tonsillitis, fever, body ache, flu.
I cannot do my assignments and presentation slides and been wasting my time by just sleeping. I think my body and my mind need it so bad. So, yesterday, I’ve been sleeping for almost 12 hours quality sleep. It was the most pleasurable sleep yet I’m quiet worried about my presentation slides that need to be done by today.

The Koolfever really helps a lot to reduce my body heat AND eye bags worsen from day to day..urgh...

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